Indonesia Seeks to Become Global Islamic Economic Hub

ndonesia has the potential to grow, develop, and become a global hub for the Islamic economy. Indonesia’s position in the Global Islamic Economy Indicator (GIEI) 2021 is in the 4th position. Several dominant sectors in the ranking are halal food because they occupy the second position, up two steps from the previous one. The provisions to achieve this are indeed already in place, such as Indonesia’s the largest Muslim population in the world, belief in religion is an inseparable thing in life, experiencing a demographic bonus and enormous population growth, untapped potential for philanthropic funds, and occupying a position as the most generous citizen, and many people still in the category of unbanked and underbanked. Thus, the recommendations are first to ratify the Sharia Economic Bill (Sharia Economic Bill). Second, formulating clear and comprehensive regulations on halal industrial estates (KIH) will allow KIHs to be significant in number and have a massive impact on the ecosystem. Third, the addition of a new HS code (Harmonized System) for halal products as an enabler for the growth of the sharia economic industry.  Fourth, incorporating more sharia economic issues into the national agenda (National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-2045 and National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2024-2029). Fifth, include the halal industry in the national research agenda (National Research Priority (PRN)). Finally, the infrastructure must be prepared to support the halal certification process.

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  • Izzudin Al Farras Adha

    Izzudin Al Farras Adha adalah peneliti di Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF), sebuah lembaga think-tank di bidang ekonomi dan keuangan yang berbasis di Jakarta. Saat ini dirinya terlibat di Center of Digital Economy and SMEs, INDEF. Farras meraih gelar MSc in Urban Economic Development dari University College London (UCL), Inggris, dimana ia merupakan penerima Beasiswa LPDP dari Pemerintah Indonesia, dengan tesisnya terkait Inovasi dan Ketimpangan di India pada tingkat lokal dan nasional. Dirinya memperoleh gelar Sarjana Ekonomi pada Ilmu Ekonomi Islam dari Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, dengan skripsi terkait Inflasi Ramadhan di Indonesia pada tingkat regional dan nasional. Dalam pengalaman kerjanya selama 5+ tahun, ia telah melakukan 25+ proyek penelitian di INDEF. Ia bekerja dengan pemerintah, sektor swasta, dan mitra internasional untuk mereformasi kebijakan ekonomi demi kepentingan publik. Farras juga menerima Hibah Penelitian Bank Indonesia pada tahun 2022 bersama timnya di INDEF untuk meneliti kebijakan moneter hijau. Sementara itu, dirinya juga pernah menjabat sebagai konsultan dan staf ahli di beberapa lembaga, seperti Kementerian Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS) serta Dewan Perwakilan Daerah Republik Indonesia (DPD RI). Minat penelitiannya mencakup pengembangan ekonomi regional, ekonomi digital, dan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM).

  • Lintang Titian Purbasari
Fauziah Rizki Yuniarti

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